
Helios is a ESP32 based smart LED controller intended to work with WLED firmware.

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It features:

  • 3x 5V LED output channels
  • A PWM fan header (with tachometer feedback)
  • I2C and 3x IO breakout
  • A USB-C connector and onboard USB-UART adaptor


Full schematics can be viewed here: schematic

To see the bill of materials click here: ibom

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For full functionality, some WLED usermods must be initialized.

Use the following platformio overrides:

default_envs = esp32dev

board = esp32dev
platform = ${esp32.platform}
platform_packages = ${esp32.platform_packages}
build_unflags = ${common.build_unflags}
build_flags = ${common.build_flags_esp32}
             -D WLED_RELEASE_NAME=ESP32
             -D USERMOD_PWM_FAN
             -D PWM_PIN=16
             -D TACHO_PIN=17
lib_deps = ${esp32.lib_deps}
monitor_filters = esp32_exception_decoder
board_build.partitions = ${esp32.default_partitions}

Build the firmware then upload to the controllers (note right now the auto-reset does not work, so put the controller in download mode using the BOOT button)