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Icarus is a flight controller for micro-quads.


  • STM32F405 MCU
  • IMU (gyro/accelerometer/temperature)
  • Magnetometer
  • Barometer
  • USB 2.0
  • 30.5 x 30.5 millimeter mounting pattern


Below is the design documentation for the Icarus Flight Controller.

Full schematics can be viewed here: schematic


The scope of this project is to design and build an embedded system that can be used as a microquad flight controller.

MustSupport control of 4 motors
MustHave motion sensing
MustInterface for remote control
ShouldHave USB 2.0 support

High-level Components

Power SupplySensorsMCURadioRotorsUSBPWR PortVoltage RegulatorIMUBarometerMagnetometerRadio BusSensor BusCorePWM    ThrottleTelemetryAccel / GyroAltitudeOrientation

  • PWM output to drive rotors
  • An IMU can be used for motion sensing. At minimum a gyro and accelerometer would be required
  • A magnetometer is needed to prevent yaw drift
  • RC input would be require as input to the controller

Power Supply


Voltage should be able to handle up to a 3S (11.1V) LiPo for some flexibility in battery choice.

Power Supply Inputs

The board will have two inputs for power:

  • Two pin input for direct battery connection
  • 5V input from a USB connector



As one of the purposes of this controller is for drones, understanding orientation in the air will be critical.

Sensor Selection

  • MPU6050 for attitude estimation
  • Magnetometer to prevent yaw drift (though not required)
  • Barometer for altitude


The MCU requirements for this project are pretty basic:

  • 4 PWM outputs
  • 1x I2C
  • USB Serial support

And ESP32-C3-MINI-1 module was selected for the following reasons:

  • Enough IO to control 4 motors
  • I2C for sensors
  • Built-in 2.4GHz radio support + antenna


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