Written by Natesh Narain
Gameboy Sound Information
Four types of Sound generators:
- Quadrangular wave patterns with sweep and envelope functions.
- Quadrangular wave patterns with envelope functions.
- Voluntary wave patterns from wave RAM.
- White noise with an envelope function.
Noise Channel
NR41 Sound Length
Bit 0 - 5 is sound length data (t1).
Sound length = (64 - t1) * (1/256) seconds
NR42 Volume Envelope
- Bit 7 - 4: Initial volume (0 - 0x0F)
- Bit 3 : Envelope direction (0: Decrease, 1: Increase)
- Bit 2 - 0: Number of envelope sweep (0-7)
Length of 1 step = n * (1/64) seconds
NR43 Polynomial Counter
- Bit 7 - 4: Shift clock frequency (s)
- Bit 3: Count step/width (0 = 15 bits, 1 = 7 bits)
- Bit 2 - 0: Dividing Ratio of Frequencies (r)
Frequency = 524288 hz / r / 2^(s+1); For r = 0 -> r = 0.5
NR44 Counter
- Bit 7: Initial (1-Restart sound)
- Bit 6: Counter/consecutive selection (1=Stop output when length in NR41 expires)