Building Boost.Python

Having made a fair amount of progress on the GameboyCore I wanted to start extending is functionality.

Since GameboyCore is a standalone library it can be compiled on any platform with a C++11 compiler.

This post is about setting up Boost.Python and building Python bindings for GameboyCore.


I’m using Python 3.5. The reason is because Python 2.7 needs to be compiled with Visual Studio 9.0 which does not support C++11.


Building Boost.Python was actually rather painless…

Build Configuration

bootstrap --with-python=python3.5
bjam --with-python python-debugging=off threading=multi variant=debug link=static stage

In user-config.jam

using python : 3.5 : C:\\Python35 : C:\\Python35\\include : C:\\Python35\\libs ;

The options specified above really matter (at least on Windows). Boost.Python is linked statically.

Lastly it is important to define BOOST_PYTHON_STATIC_LIB to prevent boost from linking shared libraries by default.

Here’s what the module .cpp file looks like so far:

#include <boost/python.hpp>

#include "gameboycore_python.h"

using namespace boost::python;

    class_<gb::APU, boost::noncopyable>("APU", no_init);
    class_<gb::CPU, boost::noncopyable>("CPU", no_init);
    class_<gb::GPU, boost::noncopyable>("GPU", no_init);
    class_<gb::Joy, boost::noncopyable>("Joy", no_init);
    class_<gb::MMU, boost::noncopyable>("MMU", no_init);

        .def("apu", &GameboyCorePython::apu, return_internal_reference<>())
        .def("cpu", &GameboyCorePython::cpu, return_internal_reference<>())
        .def("gpu", &GameboyCorePython::gpu, return_internal_reference<>())
        .def("joy", &GameboyCorePython::joy, return_internal_reference<>())
        .def("mmu", &GameboyCorePython::mmu, return_internal_reference<>());